

At the Port of Agropoli, at the services building of the marine is available “Zero99” , the electric vehicle, made in Cilento, supplied to the pontoons personnel and civil protection, available as a service from trasfert parking areas, to make the galley and other services to and from the port.

The little car will serve to to support the yachtsman who once landed may be accompanied where it needs, at the same time will also serve those who, especially in August, comes with its car to the port to catch the boat and not find parking space, in this case can also park in other areas of the city and ask to be accompanied by his boat with the electric car.

The car has two seats and was assembled in Torre Orsaia; only takes two hours for his load. Runs 60 km with a euro spent.

It is managed from Agropoli Civil Protection.
To request the free service calls to the number 0974 829488.


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